Ethics and Law in Cybersecurity

Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Baker
Host: Dr. Milos Manic
Date: November 10, 2023 | Noon–1 p.m.
Location: Engineering East Hall, Room E1232

Abstract: The breathtaking pace of technological advancement has caused significant disruption to almost every aspect of human life. Profound developments in computing technology, such as artificial intelligence, microscale and nanoscale sensors, and near-ubiquitous, high-speed connectivity, have brought about many unanticipated impacts on our daily lives in the quest for continued improvement to our quality of life. This disruption has led us as a society from asking "can we?" to "should we?" This presentation focuses on the ethical considerations and legal impacts of technological advances and how we can proactively drive these changes to forge the society we want to live in.

Bio: Elizabeth White Baker is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. She completed a fellowship at MIT in Systems Design and Management in 2022, focusing on systems safety and security. Her research includes the adoption and diffusion of technology, cybersecurity, ethics in AI and autonomous algorithms, and safety engineering in healthcare organizations. Her work has been published in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information, Technology, and People, Information and Management, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.